November 2019 Minutes


The Old School, 10 Church Lane, Scredington, NG34 0AG
M: 07702 762203. E:

Minutes of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 11 November 2019

Present: Cllrs Couzens, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Hankinson, Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr Thomas.

Adrian Illingworth – Clerk

Public Forum:

Commenced at 7.25pm. There was four members of the public present and the following concerns were raised

Speeding through the village (acceptable for inclusion in agenda item 10.2 Potholes

Public Forum closed at 7.28 when the Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting.

1.0 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and outlined the meeting was a busy one with a large agenda.

The Chairman welcomed the new format of the minutes which enabled Councillors to identify matters for individual attention.

In a response to a question arising, the Chair advised the meeting only items included on the agenda could be discussed at the meeting (Standing Order 9b) and Councillors should ensure any item they wish included for discussion is advised to the Clerk when requested to do so.

The Clerk will bring to meetings a copy of policies and correspondence.

2.0 Apologies (19/37)

Apologies received from Cllr Baker – Browne and County Cllr Maughan. Reason for absence noted and accepted by Council. No apology received from Cllr Karberry-Brown.

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations

None declared

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/38)

The Council resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held 9 September 2019 as a true record and agreed these minutes should be signed by the Chair in the presence of the Clerk.

5.0 Report from District and County Councillors (19/39)

Neither Cllr Karberry-Brown or Cllr Maugham were present at the meeting and no reports had been received.

6.0 Co-option (19/40)

6.1    A motion to co-opt Mr Johnston Calder to become a member of the Parish Council was proposed by Cllr Couzens and seconded by Cllr Rainthorpe. It was unanimously agreed by all members present.

6.2    The Chair welcomed Cllr Calder and all necessary forms were handed to Cllr Calder for completion. Hard copies to be returned to the Clerk. Cllr Calder to provide contact details to the Clerk for inclusion on the Council website.

Action: Cllr Calder

7.0 Matters arising from minutes of meeting 9th September 2019 (19/41)

7.1    Cllr Thomas gave a report on progress made in connection with the speed signs (See Appendix 1 to the minutes). It was resolved Cllr Thomas should continue his enquiries with Highways

Action: Cllr Thomas

7.2    Gates are now ready for decoration. Cllr Hutton to liaise with Cllr Rainthorpe on decoration of timberwork and ironmongery. Colour approved

Action: Cllr Hutton/Thomas

7.3    Cllr Thomas gave a report on action taken to the Playing Field Gateway (Appendix A) Cllr Hutton to provide combination lock and advise Mr Balfe and the Clerk of the combination

Action: Cllr Thomas

7.4    Cllr Thomas gave a report on investigation into provision of a community speeds watch scheme (Appendix A)

Members were of the opinion the Scheme was worthwhile as part of a speed reduction programme and were encouraged by the interest taken by the Community. Following a question from the Clerk as RFO, Cllr Thomas to investigate any re-calibration costs.

Action: Cllr Thomas

The Chair advised against any further capital expenditure within this financial year. A motion was put forward to join the scheme, subject to the 2020/2021 budget. Proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Couzens. All members approved.

It was resolved to consider the initiative within the precept considerations at the next meeting.

Action: Next meeting

The meeting recognised the need for a comprehensive speed policy which may incorporate the council owned mobile speed sign. Matter to be carried forward

Action: Next meeting

7.5    The Council thanked Cllr Rainthorpe for his action in re-painting the Normanton telephone box. Cllr Rainthorpe to arrange invoice for the work

Action: Cllr Rainthorpe

8.0 Finance (19/42)

8.1    The RFO provided a summary of Council finances.

8.1.1    Nat West interest noted

8.1.2    The Council had received a memorial stone fee of £75.

The Chair was concerned there did not appear to be a policy for the Cemetery to cover fees/nature of headstone etc. and proposed a sub Committee should be established to consider.

Action: Next meeting

8.2    The Council approved the following payments;

8.2.1 environmentSK    107.40

8.2.2 Gates and accessories    1029.48

8.2.3 Printing of Parish Plan    183.00

8.2.4 K John – Litter Picker    98.52

8.2.5 M Fairbrother – Litter Picker    139.57

8.2.6 A Illingworth – reimbursement for ink    48.00
8.3    The Council approved the Monthly Income and expenditure account and Financial Summary.

8.4    The Council currently has two signatories for cheques, and it is proposed to add a further name to this provision. Cllr Thomas was proposed and approved by members. Clerk to arrange

Action: Clerk

8.5    Details of the current budget and expenditure had been circulated to all Cllrs prior to the meeting. It was agreed the figure coloured yellow would be updated for each meeting. In addition, the Clerk will issue an “expenditure reconciliation” chart from 2015 in order to measure performance against budget.

Action: Clerk

It was noted the biggest expenditure was the Clerk’s salary and, whilst it was appreciated considerable work had been undertaken, it is incumbent on all Cllrs to undertake as much work as possible.

Action: All Cllrs

On a question raised the Chair reminded the meeting any donations made by the Council must be preceded by a request and full supporting details of need from the applicant and the Council was governed in Law by the nature and value of any donation it can agree.

8.6    The matter of the precept was included on the agenda to focus the need for the figures to be determined, and submitted, by 17 January 2020.

Clerk will circulate a trend chart, details of Band D return, and any information to assist Cllrs to bring an informed opinion to the next meeting.

Action: All Cllrs/Clerk/Next Meeting

The Chair stressed the need for capital reserves if the Council is to consider any worthwhile projects in the coming year.

9.0 Planning (19/43)

Whilst no applications had been received by the Council, the Chair was concerned at an article in the local press stating an application (LCC) had been made by the owners of the Caythorpe site for the handling of waste fuels. The Clerk will investigate and, if required, the Chair will call an extraordinary meeting to discuss any proposal.

Action: Clerk

10.0 Highways (19/44)

10.1    Serious flooding had been experienced at Charity Street and the Village Hall Carlton Scroop. South (Carlton View), north (The Folly) and at Heath Lane junction on A607 in Normanton.

It is understood some survey work has been carried out at the Village Hall site but no work has been undertaken by Highways to clear Normanton road gullies (5 blocked by silt in survey 11.11.19) or a possible blocked drain at the north end of Normanton High Street despite Highways being notified of problems both by the Council and individual residents.

Action: Clerk

The Council agreed the Clerk would contact Highways and Cllr Maugham seeking a site meeting to discuss the issues.

Action: Clerk

Cllr Couzens will also speak to Tim Ransom regarding run off surface water from his field at the south of Normanton.

Action: Cllr Couzens

10.2    Clerk to notify Highways of potholes identified

Action: Clerk

11.0 Policies and Procedures - Adoption (19/45)

11.1    The Council approved a motion the Policies identified in Addendum A (attached) having been circulated to all Cllrs, and without comment, be adopted en block. The motion was proposed by Cllr Couzens, seconded by Cllr Thomas and approved unanimously.

The Council approved a motion the Policies identified in Addendum B (attached) having been circulated to all Cllrs, and without amendment at the meeting, be adopted en block. The motion was proposed by Cllr Thomas, seconded by Cllr Hutton and approved unanimously.

The Chair signed and dated each policy at the meeting.

Copies to be sent to Cllrs and placed on the website.

Action: Clerk

11.2    Cllr Calder agreed to act as Safeguarding Officer – to be published on the website.

Action: Clerk

12.0 Financial Regulations (19/46)

12.1    Cllr Calder agreed to act as Reconciliation Officer and will contact the Clerk

12.2    Mrs A Fotheringham was agreed as the Internal Auditor

13.0 Parish Plan (19/47)

13.1    A copy of the plan was handed to all members and thanks expressed to Cllr Hutton for the printing and Mrs Bullock for her offer to distribute. Considering the appointment of Cllr Calder and various amendments, the Information Booklet is to be re-printed. Cllr Hutton will liaise with members over the final content and arrange printing.

Action: Cllr Hutton

13.2    The Chair was pleased to report action was being take o: Gateway barriers, Village Fete, Village Hall improvements.

The Village Hall Committee have investigated the provision of an internet hub but due to cost and anticipated demand have decided not to proceed.

14.0 Village Hall (19/48)

The Chair advised the meeting he had attended a good and constructive meeting with the Village Hall Committee and had expressed the wish of the Council to act in partnership to prepare proposals and seek funding for revised entrance steps/ramps, façade treatment and signage.

15.0 Correspondence (19/49)

Under approved procedures all relevant correspondence to be sent to all members via email.

Copies to be placed on file and brought to each meeting.

Cllr Hutton agreed to organise the establishment of a Dropbox to save printing.

Action: Cllr Hutton

15.2 In consideration of the 2020 celebration of VE Day, the Council will seek a meeting with the Church and Village Hall on any proposals for a Village commemoration. Cllr Hankinson to liaise

Action: Cllr Hankinson

16.0 Items for discussion at the next meeting

Precept Cemetery Policy

Playing Field Fence Speed policy

17.0 Closed Session (19/50)

The Council approved the motion to meet in camera to discuss staffing matter. See confidential Addendum 2

18.0 Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting of the Council is to be held on Monday, 13 January 2020