September 2019 MInutes
The Old School, 10 Church Lane, Scredington, NG34 0AG
M: 07702 762203. E:
Minutes of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday, 9 September
Present: Cllrs Couzens, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Hankinson and Cllr Thomas.
The Clerk gave his apologies since he was unable to attend due to a Family matter It was agreed the Chairman would record the minutes of the meeting.
Public Forum:
Commenced at 7.20pm. There was one member of the public present and as there were no items raised the Chairman opened the Council meeting.
1.0 Welcome
The Chair welcomed all present
2.0 Apologies (19/26)
Apologies received from Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr Baker – Browne and County Cllr Maughan. Reason for absence noted and accepted by Council. No apology received from Cllr Karberry-Brown.
3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations
None declared
4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/27)
The Council resolved to accept the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 24 July 2019 as a true reflection of the meeting. Council agreed the minutes to be signed at the meeting with the Clerk.
Future agendas to highlight “Matters arising from the minutes other than those already on the agenda”
Action: Clerk
5.0 Report from District and County Councillors (19/28)
District Cllr Karberry-Brown was absent from the meeting and no report had been received by the Clerk.
County Cllr A Maughan had provided an e-mail advising work to the A607 at the railway bridge in Carlton Scroop was scheduled by County Highways to commence Spring 2020. This date subject to alteration.
6.0 Co-option (19/29)
It had been arranged for vacancy applicant, Mr J Calder, to attend the meeting at 7.00pm to meet the Council, discuss his application and, if successful be co- opted. However, Mr Calder was called to Scotland for a funeral and the co- option is carried forward to the next meeting
Action: Next meeting
7.0 Matters arising from the minutes (19/30)
7.1 Cllr Thomas has discussed the matter of the speed signs with County Highways who believe it may be an electrical fault. To be investigated and reported back.
Action: Cllr THomas to follow up
7.2 The telephone box in Normanton on Cliffe has been decorated and Cllr Rainthorpe is to arrange an invoice for the work
Action: Cllr Rainthorpe to follow up
7.3 Cllr Hankinson is completing the Handbook insert for inclusion in the Parish Plan distribution. Cllr Hutton has agreed to arrange publication
7.4 Gates have been purchased and arrangements are being made for their decoration. It was agreed the ironmongery would be painted black to contrast with the “cream” gates. Cllr Hutton to arrange erection (licensed to work on Highways) in the Autumn. Discussions to be held with local maintenance man regarding upkeep.
Action: Cllr Hutton
8.0 Finance (19/31)
8.1 Income and Interest noted
8.2.1 CPRE – Annual Subscription (000634) 36.00
8.2.2 SKDC – Electoral Costs (000631) 135.25
8.2.3 LALC – Local Council Review Publication (000633) 17.50
8.2.4 EnviroSK – Grass cutting (000632) 322.20
Cheques as listed approved and signed by Cllr Hankinson. Chairman to arrange for Cllr Rainthorpe to sign for handing to the Clerk at their meeting.
Action: Cllr Couzens
8.3 Monthly Income and expenditure approved by Council. Chairman reminded the meeting it was the responsibility of all Cllrs to monitor finances and collate with budget.
Action: Next agenda
8.4 Signature review no carried out.
8.5 Council approved purchase of 365 licence (current £75pa – approved £125 permanent) (Cheque no.000635)
8.6 Whilst the chairman had received a copy of the agreed 2019/2020 budget this had not been circulated to other Cllrs. This matter gave rise to discussions as outlined in confidential addendum attached. All Cllrs to receive a copy of document.
Action: Clerk
Chairman advised council any further major capital expenditure should be avoided within this financial year considering approved gate costs and value of reserves.
9.0 Planning
None for discussion
10.0 Highways (19/32)
10.1 Cllr Thomas was concerned the open gate on Hough Lane and the adjacent stile which is in poor repair. Following discussion, it was agreed a combination lock would be fixed to the gate with necessary user advised of the combination.
Action: Cllr Hutton to supply
Stile to be removed/infilled with open access to field via opening I adjacent churchyard.
Action: To arrange
10.2 Community Speed Watch was discussed by Council last year and it was determined, considering the operational conditions, the proposal would not be taken up. Cllr Thomas expressed an interest in forming a team and was handed the communication from Lincs Speed Partnership. Cllr Thomas to report back for further discussion.
Action: Next agenda
10.3 See item 5 regarding A607 works
11.0 Policies and Procedures (19/33)
Other than the Chairman, Cllrs attending had not received copies of these documents and further discussion could not take place.
The Chairman outlined all Parish Councils are governed by rules laid down in national procedural Standing Orders and it is understood this Parish Council must have adopted these at sometime in the past. However, revisions were made to the approved document in 2018 and to maintain good order the current rules should be ratified.
The Chairman also outlined the Councils Financial Regulations should have been reviewed at the Annual Parish Meeting, but this had not been done. All process and procedure documents to be circulated to all Cllrs for information and approval at the next meeting.
Action: Clerk to circulate all documents. To be placed on next agenda
11.0 Correspondence (19/34)
11.1 Chairman presented NALC and Country Voice publications for take up by the Cllrs.
11.2 See item 10.2 “speed watch”
12.0 Items to be discussed at next meeting (19/35)
See action points with reference to item 11
Action: Next agenda
13 Next meeting (19/36)
11 November 2019 in the Village Hall. Time to be confirmed subject to co- opting procedure.