July 2019 Minutes

The Old School, 10 Church Lane, Scredington, NG34 0AG
M: 07702 762203. E: csncpcclerk@aol.co.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Present: Cllrs Couzens, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr S Baker-Browne. Adrian Illingworth – Clerk. No members of the public present. Meeting started 7.30

1.0 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present

2.0 Apologies (19/16)

Apologies received from Cllr Hankinson and Cllr Thomas. Reason for absence noted and accepted by Council. No apologies received from Cllr Maughan or Cllr Karberry-Brown

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations


4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/17)

The Council resolved to accept the minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council meeting held 13 May 2019 as a true reflection of the meetings. Minutes signed by the Chairman.

5.0 Report from District and County Councillors

Neither present

6.0 Matters arising from minutes (19/18)

6.1 Following the reply from Lincolnshire Road Partnership, Cllr Thomas to investigate responsibility for the signs. The Chair informed the meeting he believes the Council is responsible for maintenance.

Cllr Rainthorpe to put out the mobile unit.

7.1 Finance (19/19)

7.2 Income Received.

7.2.1 Nat West – Interest 2.11

7.3 Payments approved

7.3.1 EnvironmentSK – Grass Cutting 214.80

7.3.2 Hire of Village Hall 2018-2019 56.25

7.3.3 LALC – Training Fee 15.00

Clerk’s minutes 24 July 2019 Chairman

The Chairman enquired what the standard of work was like from the grass cutters. Cllr Hutton informed the meeting he was satisfied. It was pointed out grass cutting could only take place within the 40ph limit. Extra work is being done at no extra cost.

7.3 Council resolved to accept the monthly income and expenditure Account and Financial Summary. Clerk to send copy of Budget to all Councillors.

7.4 Council resolved to subscribe to the publication Local Council Review. The cost will be £70 for four issues.

8.0 Planning Applications (19/20)

8.1 Applications received

8.1.1 S19/0023 – Heath Barns. Alterations to ref S10/0305 – erection of garage and use of different roof material for the link building.

8.2 Since the distribution of the agenda a decision had been received for S19/0023. Approved

9.0 Highways (19/21)

9.1 A report had been produced by Cllr Thomas, which was handed out to all. A lengthy discussion took place as to which gates to purchase. Plastic gates were dismissed due to the constraints of the measurements. Wood would need to be painted and maintained on a regular basis. Cllr Hutton to ascertain if the iron work is included in the price.

The Council resolved to accept option 2 and set a budget of £2000. Outer gates to be done this year, with the inner gates being completed next year.

Council resolved to agree to employ someone to maintain the gates. Gates to be sprayed. Cost to be investigated.

9.2 Telephone Box in Normanton on Cliffe needs painting. Cllr Rainthorpe has the paint and will arrange for the work to be carried out. Council agreed.

9.3 The drains are still a concern. To be reported by the Clerk.

10.0 Parish Plan (19/22)

10.1 Agreed to have single face pages. Cllr Hutton agreed to print copies for distribution. Council resolved to make payment to person carrying out delivery. Cllr Couzens to chase Cllr Hankinson for the insert.

11.0 Council Vacancy (19/23)

11.1 One applicant has responded. Clerk to invite to the next meeting.

12.0 Correspondence (19/24)

12.1 & 12.2 At present all correspondence received electronically is sent to Councils. All correspondence received will be shown on future minutes so Councillors can check to see if they have received everything.

13.0 Items to be discussed at the next meeting (19/25)

PC to invite Village Hall Committee to discuss improvements to Village Hall

The issue regarding the Salvation Army placing a collection bin at the village hall was raised. Cllr Rainthorpe to ask Village Hall for their views.

The Chairman gave an update on the disposal of material in fields down Howdell Lane. The Environment Agency have not taken samples for analysis as previously reported. They do not believe imported material to be toxic and appear to be in line with recently renewed licence for work to form bunds for wildlife lagoons.

14.0 DATE OF NEXT MEETING Monday 9 September