January 2019 Minutes


Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 14 January 2019 Present: Cllr J Couzens – Chair: Cllr Naheem, Cllr B Hankinson and Mr A Illingworth (Clerk).

Chair welcomed all present and opened the floor to the public.

Public Forum – commenced 7.26

Three members of the public were present.

A resident brought to the attention of the Council the tipping of building waste/excavation waste in a field belonging to Mr Porter, off Howdale Lane. The Clerk pointed out this was on the agenda.

The resident questioned if this action was correct and did the materials have the correct paperwork to transport for tipping.

Howdale Lane, which is a public right of way, needs repair due to all the transport movement.

Council agreed to write to the Environment Agency, Public Health Department and Highways with details, for them to investigate.

Mr Baines has offered his services, free of charge, to cut the top of the hedge that joins his field around the recreational area. Council agreed Mr Baines could be contacted to carry out the work.

Council were asked if a cheque had been given for the upkeep of the churchyard in Normanton. The Clerk confirmed a cheque had been drawn but had not been presented for payment.

A resident informed Council both speed signs in to Carlton Scroop are not working. This to be reported. No further questions session closed at 7.46pm when the Chair opened the Council meeting.

2    Apologies (18/244)

Apologies received from Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Baker-Brown and County Cllr Maughan. Reasons for absence noted and approved by Council. No apologies had been received for Cllr Karberry-Brown

3    Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations (18/245)


4    Signing of the minutes (18/246)

Council resolved to accept the Clerks notes of the meeting held 12 November 2018 as a true reflection of the meeting. Minutes signed by the Chair

5    Report from District and County Councillors (18/247)

No report available from Cllr Karberry – Brown

Chair read out report from Cllr Maughan. A full copy can be requested from the Clerk. Alternatively it can be viewed on the Councils website at www.parishes.lincolnshire.gov.uk/CarltonScroopandNormantononCliffe.   

The stretch of the A607 through Carlton Scroop leading up to the bridge has been allocated for a principle road scheme following the road survey requested.

6    Matters arising from the minutes (18/248)

6.1    Update on the gateway carried forward to the next meeting.

6.2    Cllr Hankinson gave her apologises. Report to be given at the meeting in March

6.3    The Clerk informed Council they are now a member of Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

6.4    The cost to empty the bins is £120 per visit. Council resolved not to pursue

7 Finance (18/249)

7.1 Income received

7.1.1 Interest    1.98

7.2 The following payments were resolved to be paid    

7.2.1 Community Cleaner – K John    105.71

7.2.2 Community Cleaner – M Fairbrother    54.91

7.3    To approve the monthly income and expenditure account and Financial Summary

Chair asked for any comments. None submitted. Council resolved to accept the financial reports. Summary signed by the Chairman.

7.4    To approve the budget and precept for 2019/20

Despite the modest increase in the 2018/19 precept the increased responsibilities undertaken by the PC resulted in a shortfall of expenditure over income of £ 968 with the difference being taken from reserves. 

Council agreed the situation coud not continue, and. whilst mindful of charges to households, and in view of the emerging  Parish Plan objectives and election costs, the Councillors determined on action to increase income and, at the same, time, reduce expenditure. It was agreed to increase the precept. after allowing for inflation by 5% and reduce the donation fund by £500. This action will result in a £1000 variation. Should an election become necessary the cost would need to be met from reserves.

8    Planning Applications (18/250)

8.1    Applications received

8.1.1    S18/2130 Installation of water pipe from Byard’s Leap to Harrowby Lane, Grantham. No comments made by Council, awaiting decision.

8.1.2    PL/0133/18 Mid UK – Change of use of waste glass processing plant. Comments submitted by Council objecting to the application. Awaiting decision.

9 Highways (18/251)

9.1 and 9.2 covered under public forum

9.3    Position re grass cutting carried forward to the next meeting

9.4    Potholes A607 over the bridge towards Normanton, Newark Lane, Sudbrook Road and on the double bend towards Grantham. To be reported

10    Parish Plan (18/252)

Preliminary Findings completed by the Clerk. Chairman to produce draft plan.

11    Correspondence (18/253)

Received From Topic Action
December 10 Village Hall Thanks re donation Acknowledged

12     Items to be discussed at the next meeting

Election issues

13    Next Meeting

Next meeting will be Monday 11 March at 7.20.