July 2023 Minutes

Nikki Gascoigne Clerk & RFO
Email clerkcsnpc@gmail.com Telephone 07472 574201

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting of Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council held at Carlton Scroop Village Hall on Monday 31 July 2023.

Public Forum

There were six members of the public in attendance.

The Chair reported that he had invited a number of organisations to attend the meeting in view of a    recent incident at the travellers’ site in the south of the Carlton Scroop at which police were in attendance.     Lincolnshire Neighbourhood Policing Team were not able to attend, but asked the Council to reassure    residents that there were no concerns for the general public following the incident.  They had also indicated    that they would ask traffic officers to check vehicle speeds through the villages.  The Chairman referred to    an email received from South Kesteven District Council regarding planning enforcement around the    travellers’ site especially regarding the entrance gate and treatment plant.  There was a general discussion    regarding the incident at the site.

District Councillor Ian Stokes joined the meeting at 7.25pm.
The Chair noted that the site had planning permission for 3 years, and the Parish Council would intervene    when there was a community issue or contravention of planning requirements, as these would be pertinent    when the renewal of planning permission was considered. There was also a strategic issue, as the Planning    Inspector had noted that SKDC’s approach to traveller accommodation was inadequate, and had requested    that SKDC devise a new strategy and identify sites suitable for gypsies and travellers by the end of 2023.  The    District    Council was entering a new Local Plan period, and the Inspector would not approve the plan unless    sufficient land was identified.
District Councillor Stokes noted that it was difficult to secure suitable sites. Several sites were being    considered, but Cold Harbour Lane had not passed planning and there were likely to be local objections    when other proposed sites went out to consultation.  The Chair thanked District Councillor Stokes for his    support of the community and Parish Council on this issue.
A member of the public asked whether additional speed signs would be provided following the decrease in    the speed limit through Carlton Scroop.  The Chair explained that there was an ongoing discussion around    who was responsible for replacing the radar signs, which could not be recalibrated. Councillor Balfe asked    whether the Council still had the mobile Speed Indicator Device (SID).  The Chair confirmed that it did, and    that he had recently placed the sign on the highway and would move it to different locations in the two    villages.   He had also asked Lincolnshire Police for the radar van to attend the village to monitor speeds.  He    noted that the Parish Council had joined the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) and would receive    six free Check Your Speed signs.  
Councillor England asked whether the Council was sure that the radar signs could not be recalibrated.  The    Chair confirmed that he had checked this with the manufacturer.  Councillor Hands asked whether they    could be exchanged.  The Clerk advised that she had contacted LRSP and they had not proposed exchange    as a possible option.  The Chair was pleased that some progress was being made on speeding, with the SID,    Check Your Speed signs and discussion around the radar signs.  

The Chair opened the meeting at 7.56pm.

In Attendance: Councillor Thomas (Chair), Councillors H Baines, J Baines, England, Hands and Balfe and Mrs    Gascoigne (Clerk).


The Chair welcomed Councillors to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  


Apologies were received and accepted from Councillors Hankinson and Worrell and County Councillor Maughan.

No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were made.

4.    APPROVAL OF MINUTES (23/23) 

4.1   Councillor Hands proposed that the Clerk’s notes of the Annual Parish Council meeting held on 15 May be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Balfe.

Resolved: The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May 2023 were approved and duly signed by the Chairman.

District Councillor Stokes advised Members that there were two sources of funding available through the District Council – the SK Community Fund and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.  The Chair noted that County Councillor Maughan had circulated a written report on Lincolnshire County Council business.

6.   PARISH PLAN (23/25)

6.1   Councillors reviewed progress against the Parish Plan.  The Chair noted that work on the Jubilee Field hedgerow had been delayed, but Councillor Jack Baines reported that this work should now be carried out in the Autumn.  The Chair noted that the media and communications action had moved on, with hard copies of communications now being provided.  Defibrillator signage was in place, and a discussion would be needed around a further defibrillator in Carlton Scroop.  Most of the work to improve facilities had been carried out, with the exception of a location for the additional bench at Normanton.

Two members of the public left the meeting at 8.03pm.

Councillor Balfe noted that the cemetery hedge needed to be trimmed, which Councillor Jack Baines offered to arrange after the Jubilee Field hedges had been laid.  Councillor Balfe also reported that there were dead trees in the Jubilee Field area which would need to be surveyed.  The Chair proposed that a tree specialist be asked to provide a quote.  The Clerk noted that the Council would need to check whether any Tree Preservation Orders were in force, and if they were, a planning application would be required before carrying out works.

Action: The Clerk to check whether any Tree Preservation Orders were in place and to contact contractors to obtain quotes for the work.
7.   CLERK’S REPORT (23/26)

7.1   Members noted the Clerk’s report providing updates on actions from the last meeting.  

7.2   The Clerk reminded Councillors that they could access training under the LALC Training Scheme, with places booked via the Clerk.  

7.3   The Clerk reported that .gov.uk email addresses and the Parish Council Facebook page had been set up.

A member of the public left the meeting at 8.14pm

7.4   The Clerk reported that the insurance policy had been renewed, and the insurers had responded to Councillors’ questions regarding the policy.

7.5   This item on defibrillator training was deferred to the September meeting.

Action: The Clerk to add to the September agenda.

A member of the public left the meeting at 8.16pm.

8.    FINANCE (23/27)

8.1    Members noted income received as follows.

Received From   Purpose   Amount £
Cemetery Income   EROB and interment fees   375.00

8.2    Councillor Thomas proposed that the following expenditure be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Balfe.



Amount £

Autela Payroll Services

Payroll Services



Annual Membership


Village Hall

Hire fees


Tracey Davis

Internal audit


Normanton Churchyard



Employment Costs



Lincolnshire County Council

LRSP Membership


Andrew Deptford

Defibrillator consumables


CloudNext Ltd

Hosting and domain


Employment Costs



AJG Insurers

 Annual premium



Training Scheme


Shaw & Sons

Grants of EROB book


Employment Costs



Resolved: To approve the expenditure listed above.

8.3   Councillor Thomas proposed that the June bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Balfe.

Resolved: To approve the June bank reconciliation.

8.4   Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2023/24 budget.  

9.    PLANNING (23/28)

9.1   Members noted the following planning applications:

9.1.1   S23/0788 New stable block, Stone Horse Farm, Hough Lane, Carlton Scroop. 

9.1.2   S23/0487 Second tier to the outside of the driving range, Sudbrook Moor Golf Course, Charity Street, Carlton Scroop. 

9.2   The SKDC Local Plan process was discussed during the public session.

10.    HIGHWAYS (23/29)

10.1   Charity Street repairs

The Chair noted that repair works had now been carried out to Charity Street.  Councillor England reported    that a pothole had since appeared on Sudbrook Road.  Councillor Jack Baines noted that he had    reported    this to Lincolnshire County Council.  District Councillor Stokes added that he had also reported this to the    relevant District Councillor who would follow it up with the County Council.

10.2   Recalibration of Speed Signs and Membership of LRSP

The Chair reported that the Council was now a member of the LRSP.  Members discussed the radar signs on    the A607 and agreed that action would be required once a definitive response on responsibility for replacing    the signs was received.  Members also discussed the establishment of a Community Speedwatch scheme,    including effectiveness of such schemes and the potential for volunteers to be the subject of abuse, and    agreed that this would not be pursued at the current time.

Councillor Ian Stokes left the meeting at 8.30pm.

Members also discussed further speed reduction measures such as a second SID sign or mobile signage.     They considered covering the existing radar signs showing 40mph until new signs could be obtained.     Members discussed the purchase of Check Your Speed signs for wheelie bins and the six Check Your Speed    signs approved at the May meeting in addition to those provided by the LRSP as part of the membership fee.

Action: The Clerk to obtain prices for a second SID and purchase wheelie bin stickers and Check Your    Speed signs.

11.   CEMETERY (23/30)

11.1   Councillor Balfe offered to speak to Councillor Hankinson regarding the provision of a bench for the    cemetery.

Action: Councillor Balfe to speak to Councillor Hankinson regarding the cemetery bench.

12.   COMMUNITY UPDATES (23/31)   

12.1   Bus Shelter Repairs

Councillor Balfe reported that he would arrange repair of the bus shelter roof as soon as he had sufficient    staff available.

12.2   Bench, Heath Lane Normanton

This was deferred to the next meeting in the absence of Councillor Worrell.

Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.

12.3   Litter Picking

The Chair reported that there was currently a vacancy for a litter picker.  Councillors agreed that an article    be included in the newsletter asking whether anyone would be interested in taking on the role. 

Action: Councillor Thomas to draft an article regarding the litter picking vacancy.

12.4   Grass Cutting Update

Members discussed the need to obtain a map or specification of the areas being cut by South Kesteven    District Council.  Councillor Harry Baines offered to cut the grass on Silkstone Lane and noted that the hedge    on land owned by the Carlton Scroop Charities needed to be cut.  Councillor Balfe reported that it was a    condition of the tenancy that the tenant maintain the hedge, and the Charity needed to be made aware,    which Councillor Thomas offered to do.

Action: Councillor Thomas to contact the Parish Charities regarding maintenance of the hedge on their    land.   

12.5      Fibre Broadband Update

Councillor Hands reported that Openreach had received sufficient pledges to go ahead with the upgrade    work.  Work would be carried out in the next few weeks subject to validation of existing pledges, with rollout    taking place in the next two to eight months.  Councillor Hands noted that residents should be encouraged    to continue pledging, as this would allow other villages to be brought online, and Councillors agreed that an    article would be placed in the newsletter.  

Action: Councillor Thomas to draft an article on the broadband rollout process.

12.6   Community Updates 

Councillors discussed parish events, including the next Community Hub on 2 September and a co   medy    evening in October.  They also discussed improving communication between the Parish Council and the    Village Hall and Social Club Committees.  The Clerk reported that the Chandler’s account was now in place to    allow a gate for Jubilee Field to be purchased.


13.1   The Chair reported that he had reviewed the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations, and proposed that they be approved subject to confirmation from the Clerk that they were the latest model version.  He noted that there was a requirement in the Financial Regulations that a Councillor should confirm the bank reconciliation quarterly, and the Clerk confirmed that this was in place.  He noted that there was a conflict between regulations 3.1 and 3.2, as one said that the budget should be prepared by the November meeting, and the other said January.  The Chair proposed that Councillor Worrell be added as a third authoriser for the Clerk’s payment requests between meetings, to ensure timely authorisation.  The Chair asked the Clerk to add review of the asset register to the next agenda.

Resolved: To approve the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations subject to the above amendments.

Action: The Clerk to update the website and add review of the Asset Register to the next agenda.
14.    CORRESPONDENCE (23/33)

14.1    Members noted all general correspondence circulated for information since the May meeting. 

15.   DATE OF NEXT MEETING (23/34)

15.1    Monday 18 September 2023.The Chair closed the meeting at 9.17pm.