November 2021 DRAFT Minutes

MINUTES OF A CARLTON SCROOP AND NORMANTON-ON-CLIFFE PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held on Monday 22 November 2021 at The Village Hall, Newark Lane, Carlton Scroop 

Present:   Cllr J Calder (in the Chair), Cllrs J Baines, S Baker-Browne, B Hankinson, A Reed and J Worrell.

In attendance: Ms L Frances (clerk) and Cty Cllr A Maughan.

Public Forum: Commenced at 7.20 pm. There was one member of the public present. Although Fix My Street notified that that the pothole on the corner of Newark Lane and the A607 had been fixed it was reported that they still not been repaired, nor had the pothole at Normanton.  Further, streetlight 13 on the Bridge on the A607 at Carlton Scroop is out.  Clerk to update Fix My Street.

Action: Clerk

21/1.  Apologies for absence:  there were none.

21/2.  Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations: there were none.

21/3.  Co-Option: subsequent to receiving application forms and meeting with two applicants, it was unanimously resolved to co-opt Jo Worrell and Andrew Reed.  They duly took their seats at the table and signed their Declarations of Acceptance of Office.

21/4:   Appointment of Vice-Chair: It was resolved to appoint Scott Baker-Browne as Vice Chair and he duly accepted - he signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

21/5: Approval of Minutes:  the Minutes of the meeting held on 27th September 2021 had been read and it was resolved that they be approved and signed.

The Chair welcomed all present.

21/6: Clerk’s Reports:

[a i ] The request for reduction in the speed limit on the A607 at Carlton Scroop from 40 mph to 30 mph. A letter had been written to local MP Dr Caroline Johnson and this had been forwarded to LCC with her support. Information received from LCC classed the speed limit as a borderline case which will go to the Planning and Regulations Committee in the new year - if it is approved it will go for public consultation.  

[a ii ] Council was disappointed that the reply from LCC did not address the issue of why the Carlton Scroop speed limit was not already 30 MPH the same as comparable nearby villages on the A607. Additionally, the concerns over pedestrian and vulnerable users’ safety particularly near the Golf Club bridge had apparently been overlooked. However, Cllr Maughan was well aware of the issue and advised that he would support and represent the Parish views at the forthcoming Planning and Regulations Committee.

Action: Cllr Maughan

[a iii ]  Council agreed that the Chair would write to Dr Caroline Johnson updating on  the Council’s concern and the apparent lack of consideration being shown to the danger to pedestrians’ while walking next to the road.

Action: Chair

[b] The speed warning sign is in Cllr Baker-Bowne’s garage.  It was suggested that this sign and any future Council property should be held in a secure central location. Council felt it was appropriate that it would pay for a suitable secure cabinet if necessary. The representative for the Village Hall volunteered to investigate whether a suitable location in the Hall was available. 

Action: Clerk

[c] Cllr Hankinson has not yet been able to obtain the original template to take forward the local mailshot brochure. This item would be deferred until the next meeting.

Action: Cllr Hankinson

[d] The request for a traffic mirror by a Normanton resident had been forwarded to Cllr Maughan and his response passed on to the resident.  No further action required.

[e] The Chair had not yet been able to obtain a copy of the Charity Committee’s Constitution. This item would be deferred until the next meeting. 

Action: Chair

21/7: Cllr Maughan’s report:

[a] The Local Transport Plan is out for consultation.  The recently held Lincolnshire Climate Summit had seen mixed views but there were no agreed actions.  Highways England wants to make small changes to the road safety of the A1 - signage only but nothing major; the Road Minister has been written to about this as it is not acceptable.  A figure of £5billion has been promised in the budget but there will be a shortfall of £25-30million over the next 3 years. This will be recouped by a council tax increase, efficiency savings and reserves. Road tax has been cut by 25% and this needs to be reinstated.

[b] The gritting of Caythorpe Heath Lane is being raised by Cllr Maughan - this has arisen due to Network Rail not repairing the bridge over the unused railway line and HGVs not being allowed over the bridge.

21/8: Parish Plan:

[a]  A previous Plan dated 2008-2013 offered a useful format to move forward.  It was unanimously resolved to combine the purchase of tables, a dog waste bin, an additional defibrillator, wildflower planning and hedge picnic trimming in the recreation park and cemetery, into the revised updated Plan. 

[b] Council agreed that the Parish Plan work would be taken forward by Cllrs Calder, Baker-Browne and Baine. 

Action: Cllr Calder, Cllr Baine, Cllr Baker-Browne

[c] Clerk to enquire of the Community Heartbeat Trust whether annual maintenance cover is available for the Parish defibrillators. Cllr Worrell volunteered to get a checklist for monthly checks on the defibrillators.

Action: Cllr Worrell

[d] Consideration The possibility of having a bus shelter at Normanton, near Heath Lane Cllr Maughan volunteered to enquire as to suitable places for.

Action: Cllr Maughan

21/9. Finance

[a] The financial report was reviewed and the bank reconciliations approved.  
Payments made in September and October were for items in the approved budget:

Clerk salary October     £221.71
Payroll Services         £42.00
Grass cutting         £130.24  

[b] The 2022 precept was discussed. Council felt that it was important that costs were kept as low as possible and that the Precept should be maintained at the previous year’s level. 

[c] Council unanimously resolved to request a precept of £8,920 for 2022- 2023.  

[d] The draft budget put forward by the clerk will form a baseline to meet the £8920 precept. Council agreed that the budget work will be taken forward by Cllrs Calder, Worrell and Reed.

Action: Cllr Calder, Cllr Worrell, Cllr Reed

[e] The Bank Mandate and Online Banking forms have been sent to Nat West.  This should enable Cllrs Hankinson, Baker-Browne and the Clerk to access online banking.

[f] The updating of the Asset Register is to be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting.  Clerk advised that this must be done by 31.3.22. 

Action: Cllr Calder, Cllr Hankinson, Cllr Baker-Browne

[g] Review of systems and procedures for paying community cleaner. This item would be deferred until the next meeting. 

[h] It was resolved to pay £30 towards the Clerk’s training for the FILCA

21/10:  Highways – all Fix my Street issues were covered in the Public Forum.

21/11:  Planning Matters:

S21/1719 - single storey extensions at Heath Barns, Heath Lane, Carlton Scroop - approved.

S21/2202 - double storey extensions at Mistletoe Cottage, Main Street, Normanton - Clerk to report that the Parish Council has no objections.

21/12: GDPR and Generic Emails Addresses. 

[a]  It was noted that councillors should avoid using company or shared email addresses for conducting Parish business. The clerk provided an example of a suitable format for an email address.  

[b] It was resolved that each councillor will set up a separate Parish Council email address for conducting Council business. 

Action: All Cllrs

21/13: Date of next meeting: 24th January 2022 022. The meeting closed at 9 pm.

IT WAS RESOLVED to move into Closed Session due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed.  Everyone left the room except Parish Councillors.