January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 18 January 2021



The Chairman had been asked to raise a number of items by a parishioner, including why no white lines had been painted at the edge of the newly surfaced section of the A607, flooding at the bottom of Heath Lane, Normanton, and a faulty streetlight opposite the end of Sudbrook Lane.

Action: The Chairman asked the Clerk to report these matters to Lincolnshire County Council Highways department on behalf of the parishioner.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm. 


The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance the Vice-Chairman Councillor Calder, Councillors Baker-Browne, Hankinson, Rainthorpe and Thomas, District Councillor Kaberry-Brown and the Clerk Mrs. Gascoigne.

2.      APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (19/135)

Apologies for absence were received from District Councillor Ian Stokes and County Councillor Alexander Maughan.


The Chairman declared an interest in agenda item 16.1 as the family business of one of the candidates had sub-contracted for the Chairman’s business.  He declared his intention to remove himself from any discussion or voting on the matter.

4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES (19/137)

4.1 Councillor Thomas proposed that the notes of the meeting held on 16 November 2020 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Hutton.

Resolved: To approve the minutes of the meeting.

Action: The Chairman to sign the minutes and to pass to the Clerk.


District Councillor Kaberry-Brown reported that recent SKDC meetings had largely been occupied with the pandemic, and that the budget was in the process of being approved.  She informed Members that both she and District Councillor Ian Stokes had earmarked part of their available funding for the Carlton Scroop Village Hall entrance ramp project, and would be happy to receive an application for this purpose.

Action: Councillor Rainthorpe to make Mr Arnott aware of the funding.  Councillor Kaberry-Brown to provide the Clerk with the application form for completion.

6. CLERK’S REPORT (19/139)

6.1 Members noted the Clerk’s report regarding actions taken since the last meeting.  

6.2 New Website Update and Developments

The Clerk updated Members on the initial work she had undertaken on the new website, which included transferring content from the old website, and informed them that the new website which was now live.  Councillor Calder noted that the Council now had an ideal tool for communication, and that a “current issues” section would provide a useful way to update parishioners on Parish Council business without needing to read through several sets of minutes.  The Chair asked whether all Members were happy to have their telephone numbers published on the Parish Council website, which all were.

Action: The Clerk to draft and circulate a current issues article for the parish website.  The Clerk to add all Councillors’ telephone numbers to the website. 

7. FINANCE (19/140)

7.1 Income

Members noted the following income received.

Received From Purpose Amount £

South Kesteven District Council Community Cleaning Grant 226.72

Nat West Business Reserve Interest November 0.08

Nat West Business Reserve Interest December 0.07

7.2 Payments

Chq Payee Purpose Amount £

680 LALC Training Scheme 2020/21 60.00

681 Employment Costs December 224.94

DD Information Commissioners Office ICO Annual Registration 35.00

IB Autela Payroll Services Jul - Dec 103.68

IB Employment Costs January 328.78

IB Ropsley Parish Council Zoom Costs Dec - Jan 12.00

IB Campaign for the Protection of Rural England Annual Membership 36.00

Councillor Thomas proposed that the payments made be ratified and the payments to be made be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Hankinson.

Resolved: To approve the payments as listed above.

Action: The Clerk to make internet banking payments as approved, with the exception of the salary payment, to be made by Councillor Thomas. 

7.3 Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk reported that she had reconciled the bank account to the end of December, and had circulated the reconciliation to Members.  Councillor Thomas proposed that the bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Calder.  Councillor Baker Browne asked what the Zoom Costs listed were for.  The Clerk explained that they were the Parish Council contribution of 50% towards the Zoom Membership purchased by Ropsley and District Parish Council, for whom she also worked.

Resolved: To approve the December bank reconciliation.

7.4 Budget Monitoring Statement

Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date.  

7.5 Budget Setting 2021/22

The Chairman asked Members if they had any questions regarding the proposed budget and precept prepared by the Clerk and Councillors Thomas and Calder.  Councillor Rainthorpe asked about the proposed additional area in Carlton Scroop to be mown by EnvironmentSK.  He noted that grass cutting represented 15% of the precept, but that this was solely for Carlton Scroop, with residents of Normanton cutting the verges outside their own properties.   Members agreed that in principle the budget should be fairly allocated between both villages.  Councillor Thomas noted that the grants budget had been increased to £1,000 in the next financial year, in addition to a £1,000 budget for investment and repairs, so the Parish Council should be in a strong position to support both villages in future.  Councillor Baker-Browne proposed that the 2021/22 budget, with a precept of £8,900 and a Band D equivalent charge of £70.58 be agreed, which was seconded by Councillor Hankinson.  A vote was held on the proposal, with five Councillors voting in favour, and Councillor Rainthorpe voting against for reasons relating to parity between the two villages outlined above.

Resolved: To approve a precept request of £8,900 for 2021/22

Action: The Clerk to inform SKDC of the Council’s decision.

The Chairman moved the meeting to agenda item 12.1 since the matter had been discussed.  Following discussion, the Chairman proposed that the matter be deferred to the next meeting once a quote for the works had been received from EnvironmentSK.

Action: The Clerk to add the consideration of an extension in the area mown by EnvironmentSK in Carlton Scroop to the next agenda. 

7.6 Grant Applications

The Chairman proposed that the item be deferred to the next meeting as Members had not had opportunity to consider the applications before the meeting.  The Chairman offered to provide materials and the services of his tree surgeon to assist the Normanton Church Yard fund with tree works if required.

Resolved: To be deferred to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.

7.7 Internet Banking Update

Councillor Thomas reported that both he and the Clerk now had internet banking access, although Councillors Calder and Hankinson had not yet received their log in details.  Councillor Thomas informed Members that the Clerk would make all future payments via internet banking, with the exception of the Clerk’s salary, which he would process to preserve separation of duties.

8. PLANNING (19/141) 

8.1 Members noted the following planning application, on which no comments had been made:


PROPOSAL: Removal of hedgerows where they intersect with the pipeline from Lincoln to Ancaster

AT: Land to the South of Long Lane, Temple Bruer with Temple High Grange, Leadenham North for Rothwell.

9. HIGHWAYS (19/142)

9.1 Subsidence Heath Lane

Councillor Rainthorpe reported that he had been approached by a parishioner regarding subsidence between their property and the verge on Heath Lane.  Members asked the Clerk to write to Highways to ask them to investigate the issue.

Action: The Clerk to report the matter to Highways.

9.2 Overgrown Footpath by the Railway Bridge 

Councillor Hankinson informed members that overgrown weeds opposite the kerbside between the Old Rectory and the railway bridge made it difficult for pedestrians to pass.  Members noted that although the hedge was cut and the verge strimmed twice a year, the weeds were currently an issue.  The Chairman offered to spray the affected area with weed killer. 

Action: The Chairman to arrange for the area to be sprayed with weed killer.

10. CEMETERY (19/143)

10.1 Planned Maintenance Works 

Councillor Hankinson reported that it had been decided that the cemetery maintenance work would continue when the weather was fine, and that she hoped to agree a date for volunteers to undertake weeding before the planting of the wildflower strip.  The Chairman agreed, and added that he would deal with the hedge cutting, and that the wildflower strip would be the length of the Burial Ground, and two feet wide.  He would be happy to mark the area, and asked that the weeding commence at the edge of the mown grass and go two feet towards the overgrown wall.

10.2 Cemetery Updates 

There was nothing further to report.


11.1 Dog Waste Emptying and Disposal

Councillor Thomas thanked Councillors Rainthorpe and Hutton for their donation of the dog bins, which were being used and working well.  He noted that SKDC had confirmed that they would not provide a litter bin or collection of the waste, but that they had suggested collecting the contents of the dog bins in the orange SKDC litter picking sacks.  He had done this and the bags had been collected along with the general waste on black bin day.  Councillor Rainthorpe asked Councillor Thomas to provide him with orange bags for the Normanton dog bins.  Following discussion, Councillor Hutton proposed that Members continue to empty the bins in a voluntary capacity rather than entering into a contract at this time, which was seconded by Councillor Rainthorpe.  Councillors Hutton and Baker-Browne offered to deputise for Councillors Thomas and Rainthorpe when required. 

Resolved: Members to empty the dog bins on a voluntary basis rather than engaging a contractor to carry out the work.  Orange SKDC sacks to be used and placed for collection along with the general waste on black bin day.


12.1 Environment SK Grass Cutting Contract

This was discussed at 7.5 above.

12.2 Village Gates Phase II

The Chairman asked members whether they wished to proceed with Phase II of the village gates scheme as originally proposed, with additional gates at the south end of Normanton and the north end of Carlton Scroop.  Councillor Thomas commented that the current gates defined the parish, and the significant cost involved in purchasing another set was not justified.  The Chairman thanked Councillors Rainthorpe and Thomas for their work in installing the gates, and noted that he was proud of the outcome achieved.  Councillor Hankinson remarked that she had also received positive comments from parishioners regarding the gates.  Councillor Calder proposed that the Council not proceed with phase II of the scheme, which was seconded by Councillor Hutton.

Resolved: Not to proceed with Phase II of the Village Gates scheme at this time.

12.3 Bus Shelter Painting

Councillor Rainthorpe reported that he was happy to fund the labour to repaint the bus shelter, and Councillor Hutton offered to provide the materials. 

Action: Councillor Rainthorpe to arrange for the work to be carried out.

12.4 Pine Farm, Carlton Scroop

Councillor Rainthorpe noted that he had been informed of plans to build a dwelling on Pine Farm.  District Councillor Kaberry-Brown informed Members that there was no planning application as yet, although the Chairman noted that in some cases structures could be built under agricultural rights, then a change of use applied for which may not allow the Parish Council an opportunity to comment.  The Chairman proposed that the Clerk write to SKDC planning department to inform them of the Council’s concerns and to ask that the Council be kept informed of any developments.

Resolved: To write to SKDC planning regarding the Council’s concerns.

Action: The Clerk to write to SKDC including a copy of Councillor Rainthorpe’s email.


13.1 Standing Orders and Financial Regulations 

Councillor Calder reminded Members that the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations were fundamental documents governing the operation of the Council and recommended that they read them if they had not yet done so.  Councillor Hankinson proposed that the amended policies be adopted, which was seconded by Councillor Baker-Browne.  

Resolved: To adopt the amended Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.

Action: The Chairman to sign paper copies of the documents for filing, and the Clerk to post the documents on the Council website.

13.2 Parish Plan

The Chairman asked that this item be deferred to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to circulate a copy of the Parish Plan to members and to add to the next agenda.

13.3 Training Strategy

The Chairman asked that this item be deferred to the next meeting.  Councillor Thomas noted that a training programme should be developed for Councillors as well as employees.

Action: The Clerk to add to the next agenda.


14.1 Members noted the general correspondence circulated since the previous meeting.

15. STAFFING (19/148)

15.1 The Chairman proposed that the meeting move into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, due to the nature of matters to be discussed.  District Councillor Kaberry-Brown left the meeting. 

Resolved: To move into closed session at 8.50pm

15.2 Update regarding the former Clerk.

Councillor Thomas reported that the Council had received a full reimbursement of funds from the former Clerk, and that he had contacted NatWest to arrange to return the sum previously reimbursed by their Fraud Department.

15.3 Community Cleaning Contract for 2021/22

Members discussed the provision of the community cleaning contract for 2021/22 and agreed to continue with the contract for services currently in place, at the level of the grant provided by SKDC (currently £450 per annum).

16. CO-OPTION (19/149)

16.1 Selection Process for Carlton Scroop Co-option and Advertisement of Normanton on Cliffe Vacancy

Members discussed a selection process for the vacancy at Carlton Scroop.  Councillor Calder proposed that he and Councillor Hankinson arrange to interview the two candidates for the vacancy, and report back to the next meeting in March.  Councillor Rainthorpe proposed that the vacancy at Normanton be advertised, and that he and Councillor Baker-Browne interview any candidates who applied.  

Resolved: To interview candidates for the Carlton Scroop vacancy and to advertise the Normanton vacancy and to report back to the next meeting.

Action: The Clerk to write to the candidates for Carlton Scroop to advise them that they would be invited to interview in due course, and to advertise the Normanton vacancy.  

Councillor Calder to draw up standard selection criteria for both vacancies.


17.1 Monday 15 March 2021.

The meeting closed at 9.22pm