July 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 26 July 2021


Cllr Calder. Vice Chairman (in Chair), Cllr Baines (From Item 9), Cllr Baker Browne, Cllr Hankinson

In attendance:

Cllr Stokes, South Kesteven District Council; Cllr Maughan, Lincolnshire County Council

Public Forum:

Commenced at 7.20 pm. There was one member of the public present. It was reported that bin bags of rubbish had been deposited in the Carlton Scroop bus shelter. Cllr Calder would address this matter.

Public Forum closed at 7.30 when the Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting.

Action: Cllr Calder

1. Welcome

1.1 The Chair welcomed all present.

2. Apologies for absence

2.1 Apology was received from the Clerk.

3. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations

3.1 There were no declarations.

4. Approval of the draft minutes of the meeting held 17 May 2021

4.1 The Minutes of the meeting held on 18th May 2021 were approved to be signed as a true record.

5. Clerk’s Report

5.1 The Clerk’s report confirmed actions from the last meeting had been progressed.

6. Report from District and County Councillors

6.1 Cllr Stokes provided an overview including the intricacies of higher level planning, future planning and the likelihood of further financial constraints in the future.

6.2 Cllr Maughan updated on highway maintenance and that a further £10M would be forthcoming for spending on B roads and minor roads while extra pressure was being placed on the local Highways team to improve the quality of work in pothole repairs. An £8M rollout of new fire engines across Lincolnshire was underway. A public consultation process was underway in respect of a possible nuclear waste disposal facility near Mablethorpe.

6.3 Speed limit. The longstanding issue of progress on reducing the 40 MPH speed limit through Carlton Scroop was raised. Councillor Maughan undertook to follow up.

Action: Cllr Maughan

6.4 Broadband Normanton. There was a long discussion over the issue of the poor broadband facility in Normanton. County councils are working to coordinate and support communities but there are few providers and a sponsored scheme requires community support with residents committing to a 12-month subscription. An initial survey highlighted the difficulty in obtaining a critical mass of residents willing to financial commitment for 12 months. Cllr Maughan agreed to explore whether there was scope to merge a possible project with another village with a similar issue.

Action: Cllr Maughan

7. Finance

7.1 to approve financial accounts and bank reconciliations up to 30 June 2021.

7.2. Income received:

SKDC Community Cleaner Grant £231.66
NatWest Interest May 2021 £0.11
HMRC VAT Rebate 2020/21 £246.24
NatWest Interest June 2021 £0.13

7.3 Payments made

Payee Purpose Amount £
ICCM Annual subscription 95.00
Environment SK Grass cutting March and April 2021 260.49
Internal Auditor Internal Audit 60.00
Employment Costs May 2021 250.54
AJG Insurers Insurance Premium 2021/22 400.95
Environment SK Grass cutting May 2021 130.24
Employment Costs June 2021 285.94

7.4 Payments due:

Payee Purpose Amount £
Autela Payroll Services 50.40
Environment SK Grass cutting June 130.24
Employment Costs July 2021 244.74
Litter Collector Litter Collection 90.00

7.5 It was proposed by Cllr Baker Browne, seconded by Cllr Hankinson and it was RESOLVED that the financial report, bank reconciliation and payments be accepted.

7.6 Asset Register Review. The Asset register circulated was incomplete and it would be deferred to the next meeting.

Action: Chair


8.1 The recent residents’ survey provided information to take forward a new Parish Plan. Council prepared a Survey Review and Report which contained all residents’ comments and a list of all actions being progressed. The report was to be placed on the Council website.

Action: Clerk

8.2 Many items within the Report would be progressed over time. Council identified the following items for early attention:

• Obtain and site benches and picnic tables.
• Place a further dog-waste bin at the Recreation Park Carlton Scroop.
• Expand and improve on-line communications (79% were in support of on-line communications)
• Review Defibrillator policy and procedures including the provision of at least one more defibrillator.

8.3 There was a long discussion. It was felt that local businesses and charitable organisations should be approached to help defray the cost of picnic tables, benches and defibrillators against the parish budget and to speed up delivery. It was agreed that the Chair would progress.

Action: Chair

8.4 Volunteers. It was noted that 64% of the contributors to the survey expressed a willingness to volunteer in support of Parish activities. Council acknowledged that it was essential to harness this enthusiasm and willingness as with a small parish council and limited budget it was limited on what could be achieved.

8.5 Council would promulgate on website and News and Views that it required volunteers to be come forward.

Action: Chair

8.6 LALC Options on Web Site Support. LALC had provided information on support options available to parish councils to help them get the best use of their website. Council felt that improving communication within the parish was very important and an up-to- date and friendly website was critical to building upon the success and interest within the residents’ survey.

8.7 An LALC option to assist clerks by formatting documents and uploading to the website was felt very helpful and Council agreed to progress this option.

Action: Chair


9.1 Planning decision S21/0951 to reduce lateral limb on sycamore tree in Normanton, NG32 3BH was noted.


10.1 Community Speedwatch Scheme. It was reported that there were 8 volunteers interested in taking forward the scheme. There was concern that monitoring a speed limit of 40 mph in Carlton Scroop did not address the important issue that the limit should be 30 mph. Council was supportive of volunteers who wished to progress this initiative and would contact volunteers and provide monitoring equipment as required.

10.2 Decision: to support community speed watch volunteers and register with the Lincolnshire CSWC.

Action: Chair

10.3 Overgrown verge between Silkstone Lane and Sudbrook Lane. The overhanging bushes, brambles and nettles had been taken back by 3 residents. Council thanked the residents for their contribution.

10.4 Fingerpost Signs. Research to identify ownership of the fingerpost signs proved inconclusive however SKDC were willing to take over ownership unless the Parish Council wished to do so. It was felt that SKDC should take over ownership and maintenance of the fingerpost signs..

10.5 Decision. The clerk would ask Cllr Maughan to arrange ownership of the fingerpost signs to SKDC.

Action: Clerk

10.6 Highways Volunteering Days. A scheme to nominate projects for consideration for free labour hours support was noted.


11.1 Tree planting for Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022. Council discussed options for planting a tree in support of the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee; however, it was felt that further thought should be given to the matter and the item was deferred until the next meeting.

Action: Chair


12.1 Clerk Performance Review Policy. The policy was presented and approved.


13.1 General Correspondence. General correspondence circulated since the last meeting was noted.

13.2 Caythorpe and Frieston Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group.

Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council was seeking to produce a Neighbourhood Plan and had notified numerous organisations asking if they wished to be involved. It was felt that we would provide specific assistance if requested; however, this was a matter for Caythorpe and Frieston Parish Council to progress.


14.1 The next meeting of the Council will be held on Monday, 27 September 2021 at 19.20 hrs in the Village Hall, Carlton Scroop.


15.1 The Clerk had handed in her notice and Council agreed that her last day of service would be 6th August. Cllrs Rainthorpe, Hutton and Thomas (Chairman) had resigned. It was agreed to advertise for new councillors and clerk and in the interim Cllr Calder would manage correspondence addressed to the Clerk.

15.2 The Council needed to appoint a new Chairman. It was unanimously decided that Cllr Calder be appointed Chairman. Cllr Calder covered that he viewed this as an interim role and once the full complement of councillors was in place there should be further discussion and vote for the position.

End of Meeting. The meeting closed at 8.56 pm