November 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the Meeting of Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 16 November 2020



Councillor Thomas had been asked to raise a number of matters by a parishioner, of which both litter picking and dog bins appeared later on the agenda.  The parishioner had also asked whether the battery in the Speed Indicator Device (SID) required replacement.  Councillor Rainthorpe responded that the SID had two batteries and a charger and was put out with the battery fully charged, and brought back in to download the data once the battery failed, which is what had occurred on this occasion.  He reported that there had been issues in downloading the data, which he had asked his IT contractor to look at.


The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm. 


The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.  Those in attendance the Vice-Chairman Councillor Calder, Councillors Baker-Browne, Hankinson, Rainthorpe and Thomas, County Councillor Maughan and the Clerk Mrs. Gascoigne.

2.      APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE (19/118)

None received.


No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were received.

4.      APPROVAL OF MINUTES (19/120)

4.1 Councillor Thomas proposed that the notes of the meeting held on 21 September 2020 be approved as a true record, which was seconded by Councillor Calder.

Resolved: To approve the minutes of the meeting.

Action: The Chairman to sign the minutes and to pass to the Clerk.


Councillor Maughan referred Members to his report, previously circulated.  He advised Members that the critical incident at United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust had now ended, but that there were still 196 COVID patients in hospital.  He added that Lincolnshire had now reached national rates of infection, and that the advice remained to following social distancing rules, with the hope that Lincolnshire would return to Tier 1 or Tier 2 following lockdown. Business grants were now available for businesses forced to close or whose business would be affected in the coming months.  

Councillor Maughan reported that he had met with Highways England regarding safety on the A1 between Grantham and Newark, and was pushing for a clear plan on improvements.  He had also met with the local MP who had agreed to take the issue up with senior highways officials.

Lincolnshire County Council finances remained in a good position, with additional support from Government to provide current and additional services, including over £800k to combat child hunger.  The Council expected to balance its books at the end of the year, but because Fairer Funding to tackle the higher cost of rural service provision had not yet been resolved, would only set a one-year budget.  Councillor Thomas asked when the LCC budget meeting would take place, in order that the Parish Council could have an indication of proposed LCC Council Tax increases before setting its precept.  Councillor Maughan responded that the budget proposal would go to the Executive in December or January, but that the final budget meeting would take place in February.

9.1 Speed Limit Reduction

The Chairman moved the meeting to agenda item 9.1 in order to receive Councillor Maughan’s feedback on the Council’s request for a speed limit reduction in Carlton Scroop.  Councillor Maughan reported that the request had been passed to the Traffic Regulation Order team with his full support.  It had been placed on the waiting list, and should be considered in the next six months or so.  The decision criteria included the number of development units, the number of junctions and entrances onto the road and accident data (for which there were no reported injury collisions in Carlton Scroop).

Councillor Thomas asked why only injury collisions were counted, when there had been fifteen vehicle collisions with the fence at the bottom of Sudbrook Road. He also referred to a number of other villages along the A607 which had a 30mph limit, such as Leadenham and Fulbeck, Normanton, which seemed incongruous considering the narrowness of the road in Carlton Scroop, the bridge and the number of junctions.  Councillor Maughan responded that accident data was not the only criteria, but that the criteria were quite rigid.  Due to the number of requests and cost implications, LCC had to apply criteria to prioritise applications.

Councillor Calder asked whether there was any value in contacting the local MP to ask for their support.  He also noted that the issue had been under discussion for at least the last twelve years, with no resolution.  Councillor Maughan responded that it was up to either the Parish Council or individual Councillors if they wished to contact the MP.  He added that there were a number of possible steps that could be taken if the application was unsuccessful, but that he did not wish to pre-empt the decision.

Councillor Maughan asked whether the Parish Council was able to submit speed data from its Speed Indicator Device in support of its application.  Councillor Rainthorpe responded that the SID had been placed at the roadside for four weeks, although as part of this time was during the road works, it may need to be put out again.  He added that the Council’s speed data had not been taken into account when the Normanton speed limit was considered, but Councillor Maughan responded that data was indicative and may initiate Highways to conduct their own speed survey.  The Chairman thanked Councillor Rainthorpe for his efforts in placing and monitoring the SID. 

6. CLERK’S REPORT (19/122)

6.1 Members noted the Clerk’s report regarding actions taken since the last meeting.  

6.2 Councillor’s Training

Councillor Calder proposed that the Council develop a training strategy to identify Councillor’s training needs.  He noted that he had requested a place on Zoom Councillor training taking place this week, and noted that there were several courses that may be of interest to Members.  Councillor Thomas seconded the proposal.

Resolved: To develop a training strategy for Councillors

Action: The Clerk to add approval of a training strategy to the next agenda.

6.3 LALC Training Scheme

The Clerk informed Members that the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils had offered the Council a discounted membership of its training scheme for the remainder of the financial year at a cost of £50 + VAT which would entitle Members and the Clerk to attend an unlimited number of courses, compared to a cost of £45 per individual course.  Councillor Thomas proposed that the Council join the scheme, which was seconded by Councillor Calder.

Resolved: To join the LALC training scheme.

Action: The Clerk to inform LALC of the Council’s decision.

6.4 Council’s Laptop and Printer

Councillor Thomas declared an interest as a Trustee of Rainbow Stars, a support group for parents with children with additional needs, based in Sleaford.  He informed Members that the group would be grateful to receive the donation of the surplus laptop and printer for use by children attending the setting, and would be prepared to wipe the disk on receipt.  Councillor Hutton proposed that the Council spend the £35 included in the budget for IT services to have the laptop erased before handing over to the charity, which was seconded by Councillor Hankinson.

Resolved: To arrange for the laptop to be erased at a cost of £35 prior to donating to Rainbow Stars Disability Group.

Action: The Clerk to save files from the laptop to cloud storage and to pass the laptop to Councillor Thomas to arrange for its contents to be erased prior to donation.

7. FINANCE (19/123)

7.1 Income

Members noted the following income received.

Received From Purpose Amount £

Nat West Business Reserve Interest September 0.08

Nat West Business Reserve Interest October 0.08

7.2 Payments

Chq Payee Purpose Amount £

676 Employment Costs October (Paid) 224.94

677 EnvironmentSK Grass Cutting October 112.78

678 Ropsley Parish Council Zoom Costs Oct – Nov 12.00

679 Employment Costs November 224.94

Councillor Hutton proposed that the payments made be ratified and the payments to be made be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Thomas.

Resolved: To approve the payments as listed above.

Action: Councillor Thomas to prepare cheques for signature. 

7.3 Bank Reconciliation

The Clerk reported that she had reconciled the bank account to the end of October, and had circulated the reconciliation to Members.  Councillor Thomas proposed that the bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Rainthorpe.

Resolved: To approve the October bank reconciliation.

7.4 Budget Monitoring Statement

Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date.  Councillors Calder and Thomas noted that there were some forecast items that they wished to review with the Clerk after the meeting.

7.5 Budget Setting 2021/22

Councillor Thomas asked Members to consider, ahead of the budget and precept setting at the January meeting, whether they were aware of any items to be included in the 2021/22 budget.  He indicated that the Council was in a good financial position.  Councillor Rainthorpe asked whether a contribution to the Village Hall could be considered.  Councillor Hankinson added that it would be beneficial for the outcome of spending to be visible to the community in terms of defined projects.

Action: Councillors to inform the Clerk of any additional items to be considered in preparing the budget.  The Clerk to prepare a draft budget for 2021/22 for the January meeting.

7.6 Checks and Balances

Councillor Calder referred to the schedule of checks and balances, previously circulated to Members, which he proposed should sit as an addendum to Financial Regulations.  The schedule reflected segregation of duties to ensure that at least two people were involved in every process.  Councillor Hankinson proposed that the Council adopt the schedule, which was seconded by Councillor Baker-Browne.

Resolved: To adopt the schedule of checks and balances drawn up by Councillors Calder and Thomas.

Action: The Clerk to post the schedule on the Council’s website.

7.7 Internet Banking

Councillor Thomas reported that the internet banking application had been submitted, but there had been a delay due to an issue with the bank not recognising Councillor Hankinson’s email address.  He had been assured that access would be available within seven to ten working days.  He reported that he had also completed a form to change the Council’s correspondence address to the Clerk’s address so that she would receive the bank statements directly to aid with completing the bank reconciliation.  The Chairman thanked the Clerk and Councillors Thomas and Hankinson for their perseverance.

8. PLANNING (19/124) 

8.1 Members noted the following planning decision:

Application No: S20/1505 

Proposal: Various tree works.

Location: The Manor, Heath Lane, Carlton Scroop, NG32 3AS.

Decision/Date: Work Allowed 16th October 2020

9. HIGHWAYS (19/125)

9.1 The application to reduce the speed limit in Carlton Scroop was discussed following item 5 above.

10. CEMETERY (19/126)

10.1 Planned Maintenance Works 

Councillor Hankinson reported that the working party on 17 October had successfully cleared much of the cemetery.  The beech hedge would be clipped and the wildflower strip planted in Phase 2 of the works.  Councillor Hankinson added that those who had taken part had enjoyed it, and as there were a number of volunteers, the work was completed more quickly than expected.  She added that the project had promoted a sense of inclusivity amongst parishioners, and the Chairman agreed that there had been a great sense of community spirit.  

Action: Councillor Hutton to let Councillor Hankinson know when he planned to clip the hedge so that she could seek volunteers to plant the wildflower strip, and complete strimming and clearance in Phase 2 of the works.

10.2 Cemetery Updates 

There was nothing further to report.


11.1 Dog Waste and Litter Bins

Councillor Rainthorpe reported that the dog bins had been put up in Normanton, and Councillor Hutton reported that those in Carlton Scroop were also due to be put in place.  Councillor Thomas expressed disappointment that SKDC were unwilling to collect the dog waste, as they did in other villages.  

He proposed enlisting the help of District Councillors Kaberry-Brown and Stokes to identify a solution.  Councillors Rainthorpe and Baker-Browne agreed to empty the dog bins in the meantime, for disposal with their domestic waste.

Action: The Clerk to contact the District Councillors to request assistance with reaching a resolution.


12.1 Bus Shelter and Road Sign

The Chairman reported that the wooden fingerpost sign at the end of Sudbrook Road was rotten and required replacement.  Members discussed whether to consider replacing the sign with a similar wooden design, or whether to report to Highways who may replace with a modern sign.  Councillor Rainthorpe reported that the bus shelter had been reclad around five years ago, but needed a coat of stain.

Action: The Chairman to circulate a picture of the fingerpost sign to Members.  Councillor Rainthorpe to request a quote from Mr Wills to repaint the bus shelter.

12.2 Village Gates

Council Rainthorpe reported that the gates had been painted with undercoat and two topcoats and the ironmongery had been sprayed.  He reported that he, Councillor Baker-Browne and a parishioner were willing to put the gates in place, but needed to know the precise locations for each gate.  The Chairman offered to donate hardcore to be packed around the posts.  He also thanked Councillors Rainthorpe, Baker-Browne, Hankinson, Thomas and the parishioner for their efforts.

Action: Councillor Thomas to provide the location plan to Councillor Rainthorpe and Councillor Hutton to provide the hardcore.

12.3 Responsibility for Trees on Church Green.

Councillor Calder reported that a Tree Officer from Lincolnshire County Council had attended and indicated that the majority of the trees belonged to SKDC.  Councillor Thomas responded that since SKDC cut the grass on the Green, they were likely to be responsible for the trees.  Councillor Calder added that Western Power were scheduled to attend to cut back the tree which had been reported as interfering with the power line.

12.4 Wildflower Areas on Church Green.

The Chairman referred to a letter from a parishioner enquiring whether a section of the open space could be put to wildflower.  Councillor Hutton indicated that he would be happy to donate the wildflower turf to plant two areas of up to 50 metres square.  Councillor Hankinson asked whether the land belonged to the Parish and whether the planting might be hazardous to traffic.  Councillor Hutton responded that since the planting was in the centre of the Green, it would not affect visibility.  Councillor Calder proposed that the Council write to SKDC to seek approval for the planting, which was seconded by Councillor Hutton.

Resolved: To seek approval from SKDC to plant the wildflower areas.

Action: The Clerk to write to SKDC to seek permission and to the parishioner to inform her of the Council’s decision.

12.5 Overgrown Garden in Normanton

Councillor Thomas reported that the property concerned was in private ownership, and there was therefore no further action required on the part of the Council.


13.1 Councillor Calder reported that the Council had the core policies required in place, but that they were largely unmodified model documents.  He indicated that there were some documents, including the Burial Ground Charges, Employer’s Liability Certificate and Small Grants Policy which needed to be updated on the website.  Following general discussion, Members agreed that the Clerk should produce updated drafts of the Standing Orders and Financial Regulations to be sent to Councillors Thomas and Calder initially, with a view to adoption at the January meeting.

Action: The Clerk to post updated versions of the documents identified above to the website, and to draft updated Standing Orders and Financial Regulations to be sent initially to Councillors Calder and Thomas prior to approval by Council at the January meeting.


14.1 Members noted the general correspondence circulated since the previous meeting.

14.2 Members noted correspondence from Anglian Water dated 28 September regarding Strategic Pipelines.

15. STAFFING (19/131)

15.1 The Chairman proposed that the meeting move into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, due to the confidential nature of matters to be discussed. 

Resolved: To move into closed session at 9.30pm.

15.2 Approval of Overtime

The Clerk left the meeting during Members discussion of this item.  Members discussed the Clerk’s request for up to ten hours overtime to transfer information from the existing website to the new format prior to the deadline at the end of December when the old websites would be switched off.  Councillor Thomas requested that the Clerk provide Members with further detail on how the time would be spent.  The Clerk agreed to let Members know once she had commenced the work and had a better understanding of the tasks required and the timescales involved.  Councillor Calder also asked the Clerk whether she had capacity to undertake up to ten hours overtime to review and update the Council’s policies and procedures, which the Clerk agreed that she did.

Resolved: To approve up to ten hours overtime for review of and updating policies and procedures, and to approve up to ten hours for updating the website, subject to approval by Members of a report from the Clerk following completion of the first two hours work, giving further detail on the work required.

Action: The Clerk to undertake the work on policies and procedures and to report to Members following commencement of the work on the website.

15.3 Litter Picking

Councillor Rainthorpe reported that he had spoken with the litter picker for Normanton, who had indicated that she would be happy to provide the service in Carlton Scroop following the retirement of the previous contractor. He proposed that the Council accept her offer to provide the service.

Resolved: To accept the litter picker for Normanton’s proposal that she undertake the service for Carlton Scroop subject to the same terms.

Action: Councillor Rainthorpe to confirm this to the litter picker.

15.4 Update on the Former Clerk

Councillor Thomas referred to an article in the Grantham Journal regarding the conviction of the former Clerk for theft from a number of Parish Councils including Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe.  Councillor Calder noted that all of the monies taken had been recovered from the Council’s bank, and there was therefore no impact on the funds available to the Parish as a result of the theft.

16. CO-OPTION (19/132)

16.1 Members discussed the process for determining which of the applicants for the vacant Carlton Scroop seat would be co-opted.  The Chairman proposed that the Clerk contact the candidates to ask them for supplementary information indicating what they would bring to the role and a CV to enable the Council to make an informed decision.  The Clerk informed Councillors that the vacancy notice previously published for Normanton was to allow parishioners to call for an election, which SKDC had confirmed had not been requested.  The Clerk reported that a further notice inviting applications for co-option could now be placed.

Action: The Clerk to contact the potential candidates for Carlton Scroop to inform them of the Council’s request, to draft a Vacancy Notice for the Normanton vacancy for approval at the next meeting and to inform the potential candidate for Normanton that his application would be kept on file.


17.1 Monday 18 January if via Zoom, or Tuesday 19 January 2021 if in person (due to the Village Hall being unavailable on Mondays, and subject to COVID restrictions in force at the time.)

The meeting closed at 10.10pm