September 2020 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting of Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council held virtually via Zoom Video Conference on Monday, 21 September 2020
Councillor Rainthorpe reported that the bus shelter in the layby opposite the Church in Carlton Scroop would benefit from repainting. Councillor Hutton reported that he had been notified by a parishioner that the old-style road sign at the Sudbrook Road end had begun to rot.
Action: Councillor Hutton to survey the condition of both items and report back to the next meeting.
Councillor Thomas reported that he had received a report from a parishioner of an overgrown garden in Normanton on Cliffe.
Action: Councillor Thomas to seek further information regarding whether this was a private or Council dwelling to determine whether the District Council should be informed.
Councillor Hankinson reported that she had had a discussion with two parishioners regarding the construction of a barn on land adjacent to the A607 under permitted development S20/0818.
Due to the resignation of the former Chairman, Councillor Couzens, following the previous meeting, the Vice-Chairman Councillor Hutton opened the meeting at 7.31pm.
Councillor Rainthorpe proposed Councillor Hutton as a candidate for the vacant role of Chairman, which was seconded by Councillor Hankinson. Councillor Hutton confirmed his standing and there were no other candidates.
Resolved: To elect Councillor Hutton as Chairman.
Following the election of Councillor Hutton as Chairman, Councillor Thomas proposed Councillor Calder as a candidate for the vacant role of Vice-Chairman, which was seconded by Councillor Hankinson. Councillor Calder confirmed his standing and there were no other candidates.
Resolved: To elect Councillor Calder as Vice-Chairman.
Action: Councillors Hutton and Calder to complete and return Declarations of Acceptance of Office to the Clerk.
The Chairman welcomed Members to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. Those in attendance the Vice-Chairman Councillor Calder, Councillors Baker-Browne, Hankinson, Rainthorpe and Thomas, County Councillor Maughan and the Clerk Mrs. Gascoigne.
None received.
No declarations of pecuniary interest or requests for dispensation were received.
The Chairman proposed that the notes of the meeting held on 20 July 2020 be approved as a true record.
Resolved: To approve the minutes of the meeting.
Action: The Chairman to sign the minutes and to pass to the Clerk.
Councillor Maughan reported that Highways had identified gulley works needed to resolve the flooding issue in Normanton, and that this work would be completed in the financial year 2020/21. He would forward the designs, once finalised, to the Parish Council. He reported that the resurfacing works planned to start on 21 September would not now commence until 28 September, but that the end date of the works would be the same due to efficiencies identified.
Councillor Maughan reported that he had requested that either Highways or the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership move the reactive speed sign at the southern end of Carlton Scroop for the Parish Council and would inform the Clerk once he had received a response. Councillor Maughan asked Members whether the damaged gulley pot at Silkstone Lane discussed at the July meeting had previously been reported. Councillor Thomas confirmed that it had, and that Highways had scheduled the work. Councillor Rainthorpe added that contractors had recently reset the casting so that it was level, although it had not yet been tarmacked.
Councillor Maughan advised that the next step in a request to reduce the speed limit in Carlton Scroop would be for the Council to write to him, which he would then pass onto Highways to add to their list for consideration. He reminded Members that there 3-400 outstanding traffic regulation orders in Lincolnshire, so this may take some time to process.
Councillor Calder asked whether there were any particular points the Council should reference to improve the likelihood of success, since this was a matter of great local concern. Councillor Maughan responded that following receipt of the request, Highways would assess the application based on their own criteria which were published on the County Council website. He added that it may be useful to include statistics gathered by the Parish Council’s speed monitoring device, and that the degree of development was also a decisive factor. Councillor Thomas added that there may also be some accident data to be included.
Action: Councillor Maughan to provide the Parish Council with accident data via the LRSP.
Action: Councillor Calder to provide the Clerk with information to write a letter of request to Councillor Maughan.
Action: Councillor Rainthorpe to set up the Speed Indicator Device in Carlton Scroop to gather speed data.
8. CLERK’S REPORT (19/107)
8.1 Members noted the Clerk’s report regarding actions taken since the last meeting. Councillor Thomas asked about the status of the request for a footpath, which Councillor Maugham responded was in the system. Although Carlton Scroop and Normanton were closely connected there was currently no budget for new footpaths, unless there was new development or the Parish Council was able to contribute a significant sum. Councillor Calder asked about recent government funding for cycling and walking. Councillor Maugham responded that Lincolnshire County Council had received £110k of the £220k they had bid for, the emphasis of which was on cycle ways.
Councillor Thomas reported that he had submitted the online banking application, and that Councillors Calder and Hankinson and the Clerk would receive an email asking them to sign electronically, which would allow internet banking to be set up. Councillor Thomas added that the bank correspondence address would need to be changed to the Clerk’s address.
Councillor Thomas asked whether the Council still intended to constitute a Finance Committee. Councillor Calder responded that as long as financial checks and balances were in place, the Council did not need to formally appoint a Committee.
Action: Councillors Calder and Thomas to draft a list of checks and balances to be agreed at the next meeting.
Councillors Thomas and Rainthorpe reported that they had spoken with the litter pickers for Carlton Scroop and Normanton respectively. The Clerk reported that she had written to both litter pickers to inform them of the new payment arrangements. Councillor Hutton proposed that the litter pickers costs relating to work predating the new agreement be approved.
Resolved: To approve the litter pickers timesheet and payment of the litter pickers costs.
8.2 Advertisement of Casual Vacancies
The Clerk confirmed the advice received from SKDC that the vacancy in Carlton Scroop unfilled from the May 2019 election did not need to be re-advertised for election and could be filled by co-option. The vacancy in Normanton arising from the resignation of Councillor Couzens needed to be advertised in order to allow electors to request an election prior to being filled by co-option. Councillor Hutton proposed that the vacancies be advertised, and that the Council should devise a selection process in the event of multiple candidates.
Resolved: To advertise the vacancies for Councillors.
Action: The Clerk to forward the advertisement to Councillor Hutton for printing and distribution and to be posted in noticeboards and on the website.
8.3 New Parish Council Website
The Clerk informed Members that she had attended Lincolnshire County Council training hosted on the new Content Management System for Parish Council websites. She advised Members that the reason for the new system was to conform with legal requirements to improve accessibility, especially for visually impaired people using reader software. She reported that Clerks had also been advised to convert existing website content from PDF to web pages, and that this may require additional hours to be worked to meet the deadline of December 2020 when the existing websites would be turned off.
8.4 Policies and Procedures Working Group
Councillor Calder offered to review existing policies to identify gaps and any revisions required, with which Councillor Thomas offered to assist. The Clerk advised Members that there were model policies and procedures available through the National Association of Local Councils that may be of assistance.
Action: Councillors Calder and Thomas to report back to the next meeting on their findings.
8.5 Council Laptop and Printer
Councillor Thomas reported that the Council printer and laptop were surplus to requirements as the new Clerk preferred to use her own. He added that the laptop was slow and unlikely to be saleable. Councillor Rainthorpe proposed that the items be offered to a charity collecting and redistributing IT equipment.
Resolved: To offer the Council’s surplus laptop and printer to a charity.
Action: Councillor Thomas to arrange the donation.
9. FINANCE (19/108)
9.1 Members noted the income received as follows:
Received From Purpose Amount £
Nat West Business Reserve Interest July 0.08
Nat West Business Reserve Interest August 0.07
9.2 Members resolved to ratify the following payments made:
Chq Payee Purpose Amount £
668 Environment SK Grass cutting July - August 225.56
669 AA Defib Andrew Deptford Defibrillator pads and charge stick 228.00
Members approved the following payments.
Chq Payee Purpose Amount £
670 Employment Costs September 345.02
671 Ropsley Parish Council Zoom Membership July - Sept 18.00
672 Clerk’s Expenses Planning application printing 22.80
Councillor Thomas reported that he had used the last cheque in the book numbered 670.
Action: The Clerk to post the new cheque book to Councillor Thomas so that he could write and obtain signatures on cheques for the above payments.
9.3 Bank Reconciliation
The Clerk reported that she had reconciled the bank account to the end of August, and had circulated the reconciliation to Members. Councillor Thomas proposed that the bank reconciliation be approved, which was seconded by Councillor Calder.
Resolved: To approve the August bank reconciliation.
9.4 Budget Monitoring Statement
Members noted the budget monitoring statement showing expenditure and income against the 2020/21 budget to date. Councillor Rainthorpe reported that there may be additional costs for paint if that already purchased was not sufficient to paint the village gates.
Action: Members to meet at 10am on Sunday to paint the village gates.
9.5 Finance Committee Terms of Reference
This was discussed at item 8.1 above.
9.6 Internet Banking
This was discussed at item 8.1 above.
10. PLANNING (19/109)
10.1 Members noted application S20/1505 regarding tree works at The Manor, Carlton Scroop and had no comments.
11. HIGHWAYS (19/110)
11.1 Footpath Update
11.2 Speed Limit Reduction
Items 11.1 and 11.2 were discussed at item 7 above.
11.3 Community Speedwatch Scheme
Councillor Thomas referred Members to his report previously circulated. He reported that although volunteers had been identified, they were unable to proceed further at present as training was not currently taking place due to COVID-19.
12. CEMETERY (19/111)
12.1 Councillor Hankinson updated Members on the maintenance works planned at the Cemetery. Members agreed that a phased programme should be planned, and each phase completed in turn. Councillor Hutton proposed that the first phase should be to clear the scrub and crown lift the trees.
Resolved: A working party to be convened on 17 October at 9am to commence Phase 1 of the planned maintenance works.
Action: Councillor Hankinson to prepare an advert for volunteers to join the working party to be passed to Councillor Hutton for printing by Thursday 24 September.
13.1 Dog Bins
The Clerk informed Members that SKDC did not provide dog bins to Parish Councils. Councillor Hutton reported that he had therefore donated two dog bins to Carlton Scroop and Councillor Rainthorpe had donated two for Normanton. Members agreed that those in Normanton would be sited near the grit bin on Heath Lane and on Church Lane near the stile at the end of the Church graveyard. Those in Carlton Scroop would be located at the bottom of Howdale Lane and the bottom of Heath Lane. Councillor Thomas advised Members that the contractor Mr Wills would empty the bins at a cost of £4 per emptying.
Resolved: To approve the engagement of Mr Wills to empty the dog bins at a cost of £4 per emptying.
Action: The Clerk to ask whether SKDC would provide a general waste bin each for Carlton Scroop and Normanton in which to deposit the dog waste sacks.
14.1 Trees Overhanging Power Lines
The Clerk informed Members she had received a call from a parishioner regarding trees overhanging power lines at Church Green. The Clerk had reported the matter to Western Power as an emergency, but the parishioner had indicated that the issue had not been resolved. Councillor Calder reported that he had also spoken to Western Power, who had cut the trees back sufficiently to ensure that there was no imminent danger and had added them to their schedule to return in due course to carry out further works. Councillor Calder had also contacted SKDC to establish responsibility and the maintenance plan for the trees on Church Green, but had not yet received a response.
Action: Councillor Calder to update the parishioner on actions taken.
Action: County Councillor Maughan to speak to District Councillor Kaberry-Brown to establish the best point of contact at SKDC to resolve responsibility for Church Green. Councillor Calder to forward his email to County Councillor Maughan.
14.2 Village Gates
An update had been received at item 9.4 above.
Members noted general correspondence circulated for information since the July meeting.
16. STAFFING (19/115)
16.1 Councillor Thomas proposed that the meeting move into closed session, in accordance with the Public Bodies Act 1960, due to the nature of matters to be discussed. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Calder.
Resolved: To move the meeting into closed session.
Councillor Maughan and the Clerk left the meeting.
16.2 Clerk’s Contract of Employment
The draft contract of employment for the Clerk had been circulated in advance of the meeting. Councillor Calder amplified salient points. The Chairman proposed that the contract be accepted, which was seconded by Councillor Thomas.
Resolved: To approve the Clerk’s contract of employment.
Action: The Chairman to sign the contract on behalf of the Council and post to the Clerk for signature.
The Clerk’s contract notified of a three-month probation period. It was unanimously felt that the Clerk had made an excellent start to her role and that the probation period should be ended without delay. Councillor Calder proposed that the Chairman should write to the Clerk and inform her that she had passed the probation period, which was seconded by Councillor Thomas.
Resolved: To formally end the Clerk’s probation period.
Action: The Chairman to write to the Clerk to confirm this.
The Clerk re-entered the meeting.
16.3 NJC Pay Award 2020/21
Members noted the National Joint Committee pay award for 2020/21 which had been applied to the Clerk’s salary backdated to April 2020.
17.1 The Clerk asked that future meeting dates be amended so that they were uniformly on the third Monday of alternate months as follows:
Monday 16 November 2020
Monday 18 January 2021
Monday 15 March 2021
Monday 17 May 2021 (Annual Parish Council Meeting)
Members were in agreement with the Clerk’s request.
The Chairman closed the meeting at 9.09pm