January 2020 Minutes


The Old School, 10 Church Lane, Scredington, NG34 0AG
M: 07702 762203. E: csncpcclerk@aol.co.uk

Minutes of the Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Monday 13 January 2020

Present: Cllrs Couzens, Cllr Hutton, Cllr Hankinson, Cllr Rainthorpe, Cllr Calder, Cllr Baker-Brown, County Cllr A Maughan

Adrian Illingworth – Clerk

Public Forum:

Commenced at 7.25pm. There was one member of the public present who raised the following.

Potholes still need repairing.

Fly tipping on Howdale Lane. Cllr Hutton to remove

Action: Cllr Hutton

Public Forum closed at 7.28 when the Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting.

1.0 Welcome

The Chair welcomed all present and outlined the meeting was a busy one with a large agenda.

2.0 Apologies (19/51)

Cllr A Thomas. County Cllr Maughan gave Cllr Karberry-Brown’s apology.

Reasons accepted by Council

3.0 Declaration of Pecuniary Interest & Dispensations

None declared

4.0 Signing of the minutes (19/52)

Cllr Calder pointed out his name was missing from people present and his name had been spelt incorrectly. After correcting the Council resolved to accept the minutes of the meeting held 11 November 2019 as a true record and agreed these minutes should be signed by the Chair in the presence of the Clerk.

5.0 Report from District and County Councillors (19/53)

District Cllr’s report presented by County Cllr Maugham.

SKDC budget has been set for the next financial year. There will be an increase of £5 on band D properties.

An investigation is taking place regarding the Planning Department.

Cllr Karberry-Brown has funds available for grants. Clerk to request forms.

County Cllrs report.

LCC are currently in the process of setting the budget for the next financial year. Council are suggesting an increase of 3.5% on Council tax. This figure will include the 2% to cover care costs.

Level of reserves have been looked at Although most money has to remain the Council has found an additional £10million which will be allocated to drainage, lineage and signage.

A business case is to be submitted for the completion of the Lincoln bypass as well as the A1 improvements.

LCC to be carbon neutral by 2050. New CEO has been appointed.

6.0 Matters arising from minutes of meeting 11 November 2019 (19/54)

6.1  Community Speed Watch – See appendix

6.1.1  No calibration of speed guns required.

6.1.2  Progress on formation. See attached appendix.

6.2  A lock has been attached to the playing field. Combination number to be sent to the Clerk.

Action: Cllr Hutton

6.3  Chairman thanked Cllr Hankinson and Hutton for all the hard work taken to produce and print the Information booklet. A copy is to be placed on the website. Cllr Hutton to forward to the Clerk

Action: Cllr Hutton

The Chairman asked for agreement from the Cllrs for Cllr Hankinson to raise two more points. Members agreed.

Action: Cllr Hankinson

a.  The hedge at the side of the green needs attending. No growth will occur under the existing hedge. As no funds are available to erect a fence Cllr Hutton to provide pots and wiring within the next few months.

Action: Cllr Hutton

Cllr Hankinson to source volunteers to help with the work.

Action: Cllr Hankinson

Cllr Johnston raised the issue of insurance to cover the volunteers. The Clerk explained Public Liability Insurance was in place.

b.  Beech in the Cemetery needs cutting back. Cllr Hutton offered to cut back

Action: Cllr Hutton

6.4  Decoration of the speed gates has not been completed. Waiting for them to dry. Once dry a working party to be organised. Cllr Couzens to order paint

Action: Cllr Couzens

6.5  The speed signs have now been repaired and tested. Highways to be contacted to get permission to move. Cllr Maughan to speak with Highways Manager. Cllr Hutton to liaise with Cllr Maughan (See attachment)

Action: Cllrs HUtton/Maighan

7.0 Policies and Procedures (19/55)

7.1  Dropbox has been set up by the Clerk. Access arrangements to be sent to Cllrs.

Action: Clerk

7.2  Clerk to collate all information and arrange meeting with Cllr Calder. For reconciliation audit

Action: Clerk

7.3  Website updated with Policies and Procedures. Additional pages to include Insurance Arrangements and Grant Procedure to be added.

Action: Clerk

7.4  Nothing to report by the Safeguarding Officer

8.0 Finance (19/56)

8.1  Income Received

8.1.1  Nat West interest noted

8.2  The Council approved the following payments;

8.2.1  Payment for the delivery of the Parish Plan  £125.00

8.2.2  K Little – Litter Picker  £ 61.58

8.2.3  R Rainthorpe – Painting of phone box  £192.00

8.2.4  M Faibrother – Litter Picker  £57.47

8.3  The Council approved the Financial Summary. This was signed by the Chairman.

8.4  Cllrs agreed to make donations of £750 to the Village Hall and £200 to the Normanton Churchyard Fund.

8.5  Electronic copies of existing signatures and Cllr Thomas required to amend signatories on Bank Account

Action: RR/BH and AT

A lengthy discussion to determine next year’s Precept took place. In order to maintain current functions, develop new initiatives and, at the same time operate within its income, Cllrs recognised and agreed an increase of 8.5% on the current rate.

In order with current re-ordering, Cllrs to seek to take on as many duties as manageable to reduce the workload of the Clerk (admin costs represent greater part of expenditure) and a new system of reconciliation audits will allow quarterly cost management of wage expenditure.

9.0 Planning Applications (19/57)

9.1  Applications received.

9.1.1  S19/1839 Heath Barns – To erect an array of solar panels. No comments made by members.

9.1.2  S19/2219 Carlton Scroop Hall – Section 73 application to vary condition 2 of planning approval S16/1842. No comments made by members.

9.1.3  S19/0159 New Earth Solutions – Application to demolish fire damaged building and rebuild

9.2  Decisions made.

9.2.2 New Earth Solutions – Approved 25 November 2019

10.0 Highways (19/58)

Thanks to work by Cllr Maughan and efforts of the Parish Council, County Highways to place drainage improvements at the Village Hall and Charity Street on next year’s programme.

Orders have been raised to attend to gullies at the north and south end of the A607 in Normanton. The Parish Council has reached agreement with the local farmer on ditch and drain works at these locations. Cllrs will continue to monitor progress.

Action: Cllr Maughan

11.0 Cemetery (19/59)

Following development of all Policies and Procedures undertaken by the Parish Council and in accordance with Standing Order 4, a subcommittee is to be formed to develop a policy for the Cemetery which is to go before the Council at the next meeting.

Action: Council

12.0 Training (19/60)

Any member wishing to attend a training course to contact the Clerk.

13.0 Correspondence (19/61)

All correspondence had previously been sent by the Clerk. Further correspondence to be added to Dropbox.

Action: Councillors

14.0 V E Day (19/62)

Cllr Hankinson to liaise with other organisations

Action: Clerk

15.0 Village Hall (19/63)

15.1 Cllr Couzens showed a proposal for the frontage of the Village Hall. Planning requirements to be investigated and any application will be submitted by the Parish Council if requested.

Action: Cllr Hankinson

16.0 Items for discussion at the next meeting


Action: Cllr Couzens

17.0 Next Meeting (19/64)

The date of the next meeting will be Monday, 9 March when both the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting will be held. All residents are invited to attend.