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What’s happening in Carlton Scroop & Normanton

Parish Council

The Parish Council met on 26 November and 7 January to discuss a number of other local issues, including the budget and precept for 2025/26,

You can contact the Parish Council at Follow us on Facebook: Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council or visit our website:

The next meeting will be on Tuesday 1 April 2025 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.20 pm, which is open to all residents. Please come along to the meeting to gain a better understanding of what has happened in the Parish and to express your views on what you would like to see happen for the future.

Parish Clerk Vacancy

Our previous Clerk, Nikki Gascoigne, stood down in December, due to other work pressures. So, the Parish Council is looking for a new Parish Clerk (average of 4 hours a week). A separate Advertisement is included in this edition of News & Views. Please contact Alan Thomas on 07966 451956 or use the e mail address above if you would be interested in the position.

Budget/Precept for 2025

The Parish Council carefully considered its spending requirements for the next financial year and the impact of the precept upon the council taxpayers in the parish. In view of the cost-of-living difficulties being experienced by some residents, the Council has agreed to maintain the precept at the same level of £9,000 as 2024 in the parish. Due to the reduction in the council tax base, the council tax for the Parish Council will have to increase by 1.7% to maintain the current precept.

Highway issues in the two villages

Lincolnshire County Council is planning to re-surface the highway between the south side of Carlton Scroop and the level crossing at Honnigton, commencing in August 2025. The Parish Council has requested that the section of highway between the level crossing and the junction of the A153 also be re-surfaced.

Speeding continues to be a big issue through the two villages. The Parish Council is particularly concerned about speeding along the Sudbrook Road on the stretch from Charity Street to the junction of the A607, where several accidents have occurred recently. This stretch is still at 50 mph and Lincolnshire County Council has agreed to review the speed limit on this stretch to hopefully bring it in line with the 30mph speed limit in the rest of the village.

The mobile Speed Indicator Device (SID) will continue to be deployed in the Parish in order to make motorists aware of their speed through both villages. The Parish Council has a stock of 30mph bin stickers available for residents. Please contact a parish councillor for the stickers, or come and pick them up at the Parish Council Meeting.

The Parish Council continues to push for a footpath between Carlton Scroop and Normanton as part of the County Council’s Sustainable Travel Initiative. The local Highways Manager has agreed to prepare an estimate of the cost of providing a footpath, but there is no current provision available in the County Council budget for a footpath.

There was serious flooding in Normanton following heavy rain and snow in early January. The Parish Council has made a number of requests to Lincolnshire County Council to regularly clean and repair the highway drains in the Parish.

Planning Matters

The Parish Council had no objection to the agricultural condition on Stone House Farm, Newark Lane, Carlton Scroop being lifted. It would be nice to see the property occupied. The Council also noted that the Planning Inspector had overturned SKDC’s decision to refuse an agricultural building at Pine Hill Farm, Main Street, Carlton Scroop.

Jubilee Field/Cemetery, Carlton Scroop

The hedging around the field has been trimmed. The Parish Council has purchased some daffodil bulbs that have been planted around the Parish ready for Spring 2025.

Other Community Issues

The Parish Council has been disappointed with the quality of grass cutting in the parish during 2024. It has therefore decided to appoint a new contractor for the 2025, involving more cuts. The contract will also include grass cutting in the churchyard at Normanton.

The existing defibrillator and cabinet at Normanton have been replaced. An additional Defibrillator has been installed on the external wall at the Village Hall in Carlton Scroop, which has been partly financed by the Carlton Scroop Charities.

The Parish Council will be replacing the roof on the bus stop shelter opposite Newark Lane, Carlton Scroop in the near future.

Village Hall & Social Club

The Village Hall at Carlton Scroop is available for hire by individuals or groups. Please contact if you want to hire the Hall.

The cosy Social Club in the Village Hall is open on a Friday & Saturday 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm – all welcome.


Published: Monday, 27th January 2025