What's Happening in Carlton Scroop and Normanton

What’s happening in Carlton Scroop & Normanton 
Parish Council
The Parish Council met on 30 July to discuss the local Parish Plan and a number of other local issues.
Please contact Nikki Gascoigne, Parish Clerk about Parish matters. clerk@carltonscroopnormanton-pc.gov.uk Follow us on Facebook: Carlton Scroop and Normanton on Cliffe Parish Council or visit our website: www.carlton-scroop.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk
The next meeting will be on Tuesday 24 September 2024 in the Village Hall, starting at 7.20 pm, which is open to all residents. Please come along to the meeting to gain a better understanding of what has happened in the Parish and to express your views on what you would like to see happen for the future.
The Parish Plan
The Parish Council produced a Parish Plan in 2022 following a survey with residents. The current Plan can be found on the Council’s website. Most of the actions from that Plan have now been achieved, so it is an appropriate time to review and update the document. The Parish Council would like to hear from residents on what they would like to see take place in the next few years. This is your opportunity to influence what can happen in the two villages. So please contact the Clerk or a parish councillor if you have any thoughts on what should be happening in the Parish.
Highway issues in the two villages 
Lincolnshire County Council is planning to re-surface the highway between the south side of Carlton Scroop and the level crossing at Honington, commencing in May 2025. The Parish Council has requested that the section of highway between the level crossing and the junction of the A153 also be re-surfaced.
Speeding continues to be a big issue through the two villages. The Parish Council is particularly concerned about speeding along the Sudbrook Road on the stretch from Charity Street to the junction of the A607, where several accidents have occurred recently. This stretch is still at 50 mph and the Parish Council has requested that it be brought in line with the 30mph speed limit in the rest of the village.
The mobile Speed Indicator Device (SID) will continue to be deployed in the Parish in order to make motorists aware of their speed through both villages. The Parish Council has a stock of 30mph bin stickers available for residents. Please contact the clerk or a parish councillor for the stickers, or come and pick them up at the Parish Council Meeting. 
The Parish Council continues to push for a footpath between Carlton Scroop and Normanton as part of the County Council’s Sustainable Travel Initiative.
Jubilee Field/Cemetery, Carlton Scroop
The hedging around the field is to be trimmed in the autumn. The grass has been maintained by Baines Estates. The cemetery grass is being maintained by David Balfe who also donated a bench. The hedging is to be trimmed in the autumn.
Other Community Issues
The Parish Council re-appointed South Kesteven District Council to cut the grass around the Parish for the current grass cutting season. However, councillors have expressed their dissatisfaction with the quality and consistency of the grass cutting so far and will monitor the work for the remainder of the season.
A bench has been installed in Heath Lane, Normanton. 
A big thank you to Richard Harris from Carlton Scroop, who has stepped forward to spend a couple hours a month litter picking in the two villages. More volunteers would be appreciated. The Parish Council has a contract in place for emptying the 5 dog bins in the two villages.
The two existing defibrillators at Normanton and Carlton Scroop are to be replaced between now and Spring 2025. An additional Defibrillator is to be installed on the external wall at the Village Hall in Carlton Scroop in the next few weeks and this will be partly financed by the Carlton Scroop Charities.
The Parish Council is to obtain quotes to replace the roof on the bus stop shelter opposite Newark Lane, Carlton Scroop. 
Village Hall & Social Club
A table top sale will be held in the Village Hall on Saturday 2 November 10.00am to 2.00pm. why not hire a table for £5?  The Village Hall at Carlton Scroop is available for hire by individuals or groups. Please contact carltonscroopvillagehall@gmail.com if you want to hire the Hall. The Village Hall Committee is still looking for someone interested in taking on a paid role for some general caretaking tasks (cleaning and opening/locking up). Please contact Nigel Hill on 07957424453 if you would like to get involved.
The cosy Social Club in the Village Hall is open on a Friday & Saturday 7.30 pm to 10.30 pm – all welcome. 
The next Community Hub gathering will be held at the Social Club on Tuesday 2 September commencing at 11.00am – all welcome.
Carlton Scroop Parish Charities
The Parish Charities continues to provide financial and moral support to residents in need in the two villages. Please contact dansheard@gmail.com  if help is needed.

Published: Friday, 16th August 2024